Digital footprint examples

An internet user could have hundreds of items form part of their digital footprint. Some of the ways in which users add to their digital footprint include:

Online shopping

  • # Making purchases from e-commerce websites
  • # Signing up for coupons or creating an account
  • # Downloading and using shopping apps
  • # Registering for brand newsletters

Online banking

  • # Using a mobile banking app
  • # Buying or selling stocks
  • # Subscribing to financial publications and blogs
  • # Opening a credit card account

Social media

  • # Using social media on your computer or devices
  • # Logging into other websites using your social media credentials
  • # Connecting with friends and contacts
  • # Sharing information, data, and photos with your connections
  • # Joining a dating site or app

Reading the news

  • # Subscribing to an online news source
  • # Viewing articles on a news app
  • # Signing up for a publication’s newsletter
  • # Reposting articles and information you read

Health and fitness

  • # Using fitness trackers
  • # Using apps to receive healthcare
  • # Registering your email address with a gym


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